Registration form

REC member logo 
Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce logo 
de Poel Gold standard agency 
FTA member 

Please click on the link below to download the Driver's Timesheet form. You will need to print this out and fill in your details.

Driver's Timesheet »

To download please 'right click' on the link and select 'Save target as'.

You will need the free acrobat reader to view and print out this form. Click on this link to download: Acrobat Reader.









error){ // Show the error print "




"; }else{ // Otherwise, we have the data, so we call the parse method $rss->parse(); // The showHeading can accept a paramater that will be used // as the tag to wrap the heading. In this case, we're wrapping // the title in an

tag $rss->showHeading("h1"); // Display the image if there is one //$rss->showImage("left"); // If the RSS feed provides a link //if($rss->link){ // Display it //print "

Provided courtesy of:
\n"; //$rss->showLink(); //} // Display the description //$rss->showDescription(); // Show the news stories $rss->showStories(); } ?>